lunes, 13 de febrero de 2017

Visitamos o Auditorio Mar de Vigo para entrevistar a

Iago Aspas, por xentileza de Faro da Escola.
Eramos moitos coles, uns 1.200 nenos e nenas, que ordenadamente fomos subindo ao escenario a facerlle ao xogador do Celta as preguntas que levabamos preparadas.
Ao tempo Luis Dávila, o debuxante, facía unha caricatura e o chiste do día e un redactor escribía a entrevista que podíamos seguir pola gran pantalla.
Gustounos moito. Do noso cole tocoulle por sorteo a Mamadou e a Sabela subir ao escenario.

jueves, 2 de febrero de 2017

Ideas para o disfraz. Ánimo!

"Fly to London"
We are flying in the air, and across the sea
 We're going to a really nice place to have a cuppa tea 
When we see their flag in the air then we know we're near 

Oh boy, I can't wait to get there 
The people are so very nice and full of cheer 
Oh boy, I can't wait to meet them 
We will have, so much fun when we are in London
 Double deckers and The Queen When we're in London 
Taxi cabs and Ringo Starr When we're in London
 Buckingham palace is great, it's worth the visit 

Oh boy, it sure is amazing and the Tower of London is big, you can't miss it 
Oh boy, it's bigger than an elephant 

We will have, so much fun when we are in London
 Double deckers and The Queen When we're in London 
Taxi cabs and Ringo Starr When we're in London 
The phone booths and the royal guard When we're in London 
A spot of tea with our friends When we're in London